Our Blog
Read up to know what's on our heart and what we've been up to.
Finding My Tears Again
The internal pain felt like the pounding of raging waves in her chest, wounding her within. If only she could let it out. The tears that she had despised so much in the past seemed like a wonderful gift now. Only, she had lost it somewhere along her journey in life.
Deconstruction unto Reconstruction
The counterpart to deconstruction is reconstruction. God is un-building in order to re-build. He is re-rooting us in slightly different soil, so we will grow in a slightly different direction, to eventually form a significantly different shape than what would have been. It’s a renewal, and it’s good. Read that again: It. Is. Good.
More Than a Master
“While it is true that He is my Master, He wanted me to be a son who understood His Father’s heart and to have a deep relationship with Him. In my ignorance of His love, I labored too hard, not being able to understand the Father's heart and mind. At that time, I had an unperceived identity issue. I believe that it is important to work hard to do His will, but I realized that loving Him with my heart, will, strength, and sincerity is what He really wanted.”
Waiting For the Gift
Having children must not and cannot define my identity. My identity is drawn from my relationship as a child of God, not as a mother. This biblical view helps me to navigate many moments where I evaluated myself based on how well I have done as a mother and liberated me to come before God as how He sees me – His child.
How Would You Have Prayed?
On the surface, it may look like we are aligned with the heart of God as we pray. Yet, what if we look at our intercession and our hearts through the lens of the cross? The cross - and indeed, history - teaches us that God cares so much more about having our hearts than He does about fulfilling our desires for comfort, or ensuring that justice is done according to what we think it should look like, or being politically correct.
Maundy Thursday Poem: Tonight
Maundy Thursday has always been a personal favorite. I wonder what it’d be like to be at the scene as one of Jesus’ disciples. As you take a moment to read this poem slowly, may you find yourself transported to that room, that night, savouring every detail, pondering every word said. As you read imaginatively what Jesus may be feeling, thinking, doing, and what it’d be like watching Jesus as one of His beloved disciples, may you encounter our dear Lord afresh.
A Safe Place to Land
I didn’t know what it meant to be a refugee. A young man needed to leave his country and never return home. “Can he come to Malaysia? Can he stay with us?”… But I simply couldn’t ignore the clear and swift “yes” that emerged within me. It felt like a simple and strong guidepost had pierced through the chatter of everyday life: “Yes. Open your home.”
Faithful with Expectancy
The Lord’s invitation to us is to trust and be expectant of greater things as we walk further into 2021. Would we dare ask Him for the things He is inviting us to trust Him for? Would we even ask Him for the desires of our hearts, even those that seem too insignificant to approach Him with? Perhaps there isn’t a will in us to do so, but maybe this is a season where God is reminding us of who He is in our lives, that whatever 2020 represented for us, He was there in the middle of it.
Planting Seeds
Maybe God is using me to plant the seed of the Gospel, or as the one who waters their faith through encouragement, or maybe even the one who reaps the harvest of their salvation, but I am not the one who makes their faith grow. If I’m not careful, I can think that I am the one that makes it grow. I can fool myself into thinking that my timeline and my strategy are the best and only way, and that’s when this God-sized love becomes a burden that it’s not meant to be.
The Mothering God
If your worldview was solely written by the top news headlines or bleak, social messaging scare-posts, I could imagine that your COVID-colored glasses are painting reality as a pretty dark, lonesome and frightful sight. Let me help you and those around you to find your own safe space. Rather than finding this space in a particular location, we could call this space a Person, instead.