The Mothering God

by Alina

“Mommy! Hold you!”

Although I am as tired and cranky as she is, I pick her up because her request is almost irresistible. Those sweaty curls encircle her neck as she lays her tired little head upon my right shoulder. She quiets down in seconds and asks me to sing her special bedtime song. Each of my five children know that they have their own special song – and with each repetition, they eventually calm down and breathe deeper at the hearing of it. 

She knows where her safe place is when its dark and lonesome and frightful. Her safe place is me.

Right now, do you know where yours is?


If your worldview was solely written by the top news headlines or bleak, social messaging scare-posts, I could imagine that your COVID-colored glasses are painting reality as a pretty dark, lonesome and frightful sight. Let me help you and those around you to find your own safe space. Rather than finding this space in a particular location, we could call this space a Person, instead.

We all seem to agree about what a good father is supposed to be like – a provider, a strong protector and a leader. In the same manner, when we think of our Heavenly Father, or “Abba” (Romans 8:15), we often see those earthly attributes reflected in his masculine character: The Lord Who Provides (Genesis 22:14), our Protector (Psalm 91) and our Leader (Isaiah 48:17).

If we do, indeed, believe and that man and woman were created in the image of God – distinct and respectively unique in our masculinity or femininity – then where do we see His character reflected in mothers?

There are as many different personalities and giftings and expressions of how to walk this road of how to look “like God” through the mother’s role in the family that I won’t waste too much time splitting hairs over what some insist to be right. Instead, I’d love to call your attention to what we see in the Word about how God has already revealed to us how to be mother-like to the world right now. Your world might be consumed with the biological blessings that are your children OR you could be reading this and wondering how on earth you (be it, single, male, married without children, etc.) could possibly be needed or are qualified to mother anyone. I dare say that you are needed, regardless of your life status, because being Christ-like is equally what we see in the fatherly traits above as much as they are in the motherly ways below:

We see God as an attentive, comforting and caring being

“...For the Lord has comforted his people
and will have compassion on them in their suffering.
Yet Jerusalem says, ‘The Lord has deserted us;
the Lord has forgotten us.’

‘Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child?
Can she feel no love for the child she has borne?
But even if that were possible,

I would not forget you!’”

– Isaiah 49:13-15

Like the baby that I hold in my arms, there are countless people in our homes and outside of them that are desperate for a comforting voice, a listener and someone who genuinely cares. If you are searching for peace and security right now, then – by all means – find that motherly love in the personhood of God! Or, is there a child around you who is struggling with fear, frustration or anxiety because of this pandemic? Is there a co-worker or neighbor who has expressed their concerns for their finances or health? These are people that need a motherly, loving demeanor modeled after our Lord.

We see God as someone who is faithful and pursues us even when we reject Him

“...How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.” – Matthew 23:37

Most of the time, in motherhood, the phrase love is blind plays out daily. Mothers give kisses to their children’s sticky faces, make enthusiastically encouraging remarks over a toddler’s scribble-drawing, and typically take the side of their child if they endure a fight with someone at school. A good mama is a child’s cheerleader and the one that lifts a droopy, teary face even when their child tries to turn away in shame or anger.

How much does God return to us again and again – despite our shortcomings and, sometimes, refusals of love? This beautiful attribute is displayed in the mothers we know.

We see God as someone who gives us great hope and contentment

“Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

O Israel, put your hope in the Lord—
now and always.”

– Psalm 131:2-3

This current pandemic situation has brought so much despair and doubt all over the world. Suicidal thoughts, depression, and anxiety is running rampant in every society affected. Our homes and families are not exempt from the potential for hopelessness. As Mother’s Day has come – it would do us good to quiet our hearts and cling to the hope that God extends to us in His word. Like when our mothers fed us, by bottle or breast, the Lord will feed our bodies and souls and we will be satisfied. Despite our own relationship with our earthly mothers, all of us were carried in the womb and satisfied to just be near them. We didn’t have to fear our futures when we were drawn in close to their presence and their love for us. Our safe place was in their embrace.


Where can you let God “mother” you today?

Is there an attribute of God that you can find in the character of your own mother that you can encourage her with today?

Is there someone around you that has a need for godly “mothering” that you can reach out to this week?


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