Converge 2016

by Jane Lee

Converge was held for the second time on 25 to 27 April 2016, at The Lost Paradise Resort, Batu Feringghi in Penang, and this time around, we had the participation of more than 60 leaders representing over 20 different houses of prayer and prayer ministries. This regional prayer leaders’ gathering was organized in partnership with Burning Hearts Singapore and Tuesday Night Burn Kuala Lumpur. Most of the delegates were from the Southeast Asian region, with a few others from Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and the United States. Leaders were gathered for a time to seek God, to hear and encourage one another, and also to dream together unto partnership in the Southeast Asian region.

We were privileged to have Aaron Walsh from Tauranga House of Prayer New Zealand and Samuel Whitefield from the International House of Prayer Kansas City as keynote speakers. Samuel spoke on the first day on the purpose of the global prayer movement in the end times, while Aaron shared on the second day on standing courageously as leaders.

Over the course of the gathering, the delegates met in small groups to reflect on what God is doing in their individuals houses of prayer and in the regional prayer movement to seek the Lord for what is to happen in the next 5 years. Every point taken from the group discussions was then compiled together to form the big picture on what God is doing in Southeast Asia, and how the houses of prayer and ministries can move forwards together in partnership with God and one another.

Converge ended on a high note on the last day as each nation represented received prayers and prophetic words. Individuals were also released to pray and prophesy over one another afterwards.

We praise God for such a time as this where He is bringing together a whole region in partnership with Him so that the nations may be prepared to receive Jesus when He returns. May the Lord strengthen and add to what has been established here; and may many more say “yes” to God in the call to build Him a resting place all across the earth!

Photo: Converge 2016 participants from over 20 different prayer ministries.

Photo: Converge 2016 participants from over 20 different prayer ministries.


Ignite Internship


Burn Internship 2016