Burn Internship 2016
by Alan & Violet Sim
This year from 28 March to 24 April, we had 25 individuals from 5 different nations who made their choice to consecrate 30 days in Penang with the purpose of intentionally seeking the face of God. The four weeks of the internship were crafted to provide Biblical understanding of the prayer movement, along with extended times of encounter in the Prayer Room through prayer and worship.
This year, we had a lineup of speakers from across the Southeast Asian region: Jason Chua from Burning Hearts Singapore; Andre Tan from The City Church Singapore; Pastor Sabrina Low from Cornerstone Community Church Miri; and – last but not least – PenHOP’s own Founding Director, Josh Yeoh. On top of that, we were also privileged to have Samuel Whitefield who is serving as a leader in the International House of Prayer Kansas City to teach on Biblical Eschatology on the fourth week.
As an internship, we focused on core themes which included identity and sonship, the pursuit of intimacy, the forerunner calling, and Biblical eschatology. We believe that these themes are key in raising up forerunners who will prepare the way for the return of Jesus, regardless of the different callings that they have in life.
Apart from the sessions in the Prayer Room, the interns also served with Youth With A Missions’ ministry, Kawan Drop-in Center, by caring for the homeless and actively reaching out to the street community with the love of Christ. Many interns stepped out in faith and out of their comfort zones to minister, evangelize and pray for healing on the streets. Throughout the weeks, the outreaches became a growing and faith-building experience for the cohort. Praise God for all the salvations and miracles!
Throughout the internship, the staff had the privilege of walking with the interns and witnessing breakthroughs in various aspects of their lives. One of the biggest highlights of the internship was the Living Room Session in which each of the interns did three-minute creative presentations of what the Lord had done in their lives throughout the internship. It was a great way to end the internship by providing them the space to praise God for the past four weeks of life-changing encounter with Him. Though some may have signed up for this internship with a lot of apprehension, each of them were truly transformed by encounters with the Father as the weeks progressed.
Now, we have 25 more forerunners released to different nations and spheres of society. Let us keep them in prayer as they journey on in what the Lord had called them into!
Photo: Burn Internship 2016 staff and interns.
(The next Burn Internship will run in March/April 2017. Keep a lookout for the announcement on Facebook or here on our website.)