Weekends@PenHOP & Harp And Bowl Intensive

by Stephanie James

Weekends at PenHOP was held from 14 to 15 October with the intention of introducing the heart of the prayer movement over one weekend. The event began with an evening teaching session and Friday Night Burn and resumed on Saturday where participants received teaching, ministry, and experienced different Prayer Room sets.

Various leaders from the house spoke on the “One Thing” message and the call to extravagant devotion, why 24/7 worship and intercession is important, PenHOP’s story and the big picture of the prayer movement in the region, while imparting courage to go and start something in the culture of prayer in whatever context the participants were in.

Participants from various churches and mission organizations from across Penang, and even a group from Jakarta had opportunities to mingle with PenHOPpers and share stories over lunch, creating lasting bonds of camaraderie in mutual encouragement.

Three weeks later on 5 November as a follow up to Weekends, a Harp & Bowl Intensive was held. This event was a one-day training workshop run to equip worship teams and intercessors to understand the ‘how-to’ behind the Revelation 5:8 model of combining worship and prayer and to facilitate prayer meetings in houses of prayer and churches.

While it might have been a smaller group from Weekends, it worked to the advantage of both PenHOPpers and participants alike as there was an opportunity for extended times of hands-on workshops, Q&A, and feedback, aside from teaching sessions on the principle of intercession and governing principle of the Harp & Bowl model.

As a House, we were also impacted, spurred on, and encouraged as we connected and served the body of Christ here in Penang through these means and allowed ourselves to be, yet again, refreshed and reminded of why we do what we do.


Shepherds After God's Heart


Loving Rightly