2024 Weekly Prayer Room Schedule
prayer room every friday 7.30pm to 10.30pm
@52 Jalan greenhall, level 4
Each Friday night, we give ourselves to an extended time of beholding Jesus corporately as He is worthy of all praise. Come and join us as we are expectant of His transformative Presence in our lives and in this land!
7.30pm to 8.30pm : Devotion
8.30pm to 10.30pm : Friday Night Burn / Adoration Set
Thursday 1 PM - 2PM
Prayer for local penang churches
Zoom Meeting ID: 816 9974 9113
Passcode: John17
Friday 11.00 AM - 12 Noon
Zoom Meeting ID: 814 4763 0708
Passcode: Rev7:9-10
Should you have any questions or wish to connect, do drop us an email at info@penhop.org.
Worship Formats
Continue reading to learn why we do these formats and how to engage when you are in the prayer room.
Devotional Worship
This prayer model is designed to provide an anointed atmosphere for individuals to meditate on the Word of God as they linger in His presence. The songs and music style are devotional – there’s an atmosphere of worship and adoration in which we can sit at Jesus’ feet the way Mary of Bethany did.
Seek the Lord in the atmosphere of intimate worship through prayer, scripture meditation, Bible study, or dialoguing with the Holy Spirit.
Worship With the Word
This prayer model provides mentoring and training in putting the Word to music – a “singing seminary”. The ‘prophetic singer’ is trained on the job to be a worship leader / singing theologian. This happens as the worship team sings systematically through a chapter of Scripture, which also provides an anointed and devotional atmosphere for individuals to study, meditate and lift up personal prayers.
Singing, speaking out or meditating on the Word via the format modeled by the worship team will help you engage your heart in that part of Scripture and what the Lord is speaking to you through it.
This prayer model invites the room to engage in corporate prayer using the written prayers of the New Testament apostles. As the Lord highlights, the room labors together for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit over a geographic region (e.g., Malaysia and beyond). We adopt the harp and bowl model that combines prayer and prophetic singing. We typically pray along the themes of Justice, the Great Commission, and Awakening/Revival.
We invite you to pray at the microphone as the prayer leader directs, or engage with us corporately from your seat as we seek the Lord together.
Friday Night Burn
An extended time of pursuing the presence and power of God in worship, the FNB prayer model has the worship team following the flow of the Holy Spirit, and leading the congregation thus; as one in Christ, every heart in the room lifts up adoration to the only Worthy One, piercing the darkness in the city. There is also a time of communion – where we remember Jesus’ first coming as the meek Saviour and anticipate His second coming as Almighty Lord and King.
Come expecting to encounter the power and presence of God!
* Note: PenHOP does not run Sunday services.