Stand As A Watchman
More than anything, our commitment is to be watchmen in this city. In ancient Jerusalem, watchmen stood guard on the walls of the holy city. They were the eyes and ears of the people. They knew that thousands of lives and the future of the nation might depend on their diligence, courage and willingness to stay alert and respond to any threat that might arise. Similarly, the commitment of a watchman is to watch (Hab. 2:1), wait (Psa. 130:6), war (Psalm 144:1), warn (Joel 2), wrestle in prayer (Eph. 6:12), and worship.
To partner with PenHOP, we encourage you to commit at least one watch (2 hours) per week in the Prayer Room as your sacred trust between you and God, where you are committed to standing on the walls in worship and intercession regardless of whether or not you are serving on a worship team.
Email us at "" to connect!
Sow Into The Movement
King David established unceasing worship before the presence of God, setting a precedent for what the Holy Spirit is awakening across the world today. David organized 4000 musicians and 288 singers to minister to God in shifts that continued 24 hours a day (1 Chronicles 6:31-33; 15:16-22; 23:4-6). In fact, David financially released them that they might worship and pray as their full time occupation (1 Chronicles 9:33; 25:7). The call is for singers and musicians who will serve as Levites before the Lord, whose primary focus is ministering to the Lord in a place of perpetual adoration of Jesus, and from His presence as prophetic voices to our generation.
We encourage you to sow a season of serving at PenHOP and consecrating your talents unto the Lord in the following roles: intercessors, singers; musicians (keyboard, guitars, bass, drums, other); LCD; sound. We welcome inquiries at PenHOP from locals and internationals alike.
PenHOP runs entirely on support from partners and donations from people who attend. We invite you to partner with us by sowing financially, whether regularly or one-time, or by sowing your skills and resources, to fuel this movement of day and night prayer.