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Harp & Bowl Intensive 2017

Harp and Bowl Intensive is a one-day training workshop to equip worship teams and intercessors to understand the ‘how-to’ behind the Revelation 5:8 model of combining worship and prayer and to facilitate prayer meetings in Houses of Prayer and churches using this model.

In this hour, the Holy Spirit is orchestrating a global prayer movement that will release the greatest apostolic witness and the greatest harvest history has ever seen, preparing the way for the Lord Jesus to return to the earth to rule and reign in partnership with His Bride, the Church.

As the Holy Spirit raises up worship-intercessors around the world, a key model that has emerged is the Harp and Bowl model. Derived from Revelation 5:8, the term describes the elders before the throne with harps (representing worship with music) and a bowl of incense (representing the prayer of God’s people).

In this workshop, our goal is to equip prophetic singers and musicians who will minister to and from the heart of God, and release them to serve within the context of the House of Prayer and the local church.

October 6

Weekends@PenHOP 2017

March 8

Encounter Night