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Vision Night

Instead of our regular Harp and Bowl Intercession format, something different will happen where vision is cast by the leadership followed by a time of intercession based on what is shared. This is an open meeting and we invite you to come, especially if you would like to know more about the prayer movement and how it fits in the bigger picture of things, and if you'd like to find ways to be involved.

This week, we have a special speaker with us:

Pastor Jamey Van Gelder is the founding pastor of The House church, a thriving congregation birthed out of worship and prayer; now a ministry reaching nations across the earth. With a clear calling from the Lord to raise up next generation ministers, Pastor Jamey stewards a mantle of ministry that sets people apart unto God’s calling and imparts hope for the future. He and his wife Nicole have seven children and reside in St Paul, Minnesota.
July 8

24 Hours Praise & Worship

October 14

Weekends @ PenHOP