Our Vision
Building a 24/7 House of Prayer for all nations in the spirit of the tabernacle of David that is a nexus of worship, intercession and missions established in the heart of Penang.
"Even them I will bring to My holy mountain,
And make them joyful in My house of prayer.
Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices
Will be accepted on My altar;
For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations."
— Isaiah 56:7
A Brief History
Although our official history begins in 2009, PenHOP is the fruit of the prayers of the saints over a long period of time. In February that year, God drew together a group of people from all over the world to host a series of prayer gatherings for the Church in Penang. Many churches in the city participated, and some felt called to be part of seeing a House of Prayer be built in Penang.
As we partnered with the Lord and offered worship to Him, first at borrowed premises in a Korean church in Pulau Tikus, and then in a place we could call our own at 52 Green Hall Road, His glorious presence drew many unto Himself. God continued to prove His faithfulness, and despite our shortcomings, we saw the prayer room hours increase, intercessors being raised, missionaries being commissioned, internships and training weekends be established, and hungry hearts, both from Penang and abroad, encountering His transforming presence over the past 5 years.
Looking ahead, we believe the Lord is calling this House to Spark and Strengthen what He is doing in the prayer movement in Malaysia and in the surrounding region. We believe He will use us to help establish new houses of prayer in the region and partner with existing ones to equip and raise up a generation of forerunners. It is our fervent desire to see worship lifted up to the Lord, not just in Penang but in our region, because Jesus is worthy.
We believe as we gaze upon Him, we receive His heart for the nations, which in turn compels us to go: this is the nexus of worship, intercession and missions.
In February 2019, PenHOP celebrated its tenth birthday. It is a memorial stone of God’s grace and goodness, a reminder that ten years ago He invited us to partner with Him that the Bride might be awakened to Intimacy, Intercession and Inheritance, and an invitation to partner with Him until He has a people prepared for Himself in the earth.